Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Electronic Music

My birthday was last month and I received a bunch of money from people who are at a loss as to what to choose for the guy who has really specific, kind of snobby, and hard to satisfy tastes. So, I've been clearing the List and picking up items I've wanted for a long time. Many of these are remastered/reissued versions of music I already own but this process allows me to rediscover some of this music. Something I've appreciated in my recent rediscovery of Kraftwerk via The Catalogue box-set (which is an amazingly beautiful package by the way) is the song "Tour De France." I actually have known of this song since it's initial release in 1983 - a version was apparently on the Breakin' soundtrack that a friend owned and I loved that song (apparently it is good song to breakdance to). It was not released on an album until 2003, and I didn't pick that album up until getting this box-set. The thing I've been rediscovering is my love of electronic music and how it has been around for such a long time but lay dormant for years. I sort of regret not getting into electronic music more when I was first getting into music - for some reason the angry young man/sad bastard in me didn't allow anything that was remotely associated with dance music until much later - in the late 90s when the alternative crowd suddenly legitimized electronica. But it has been validating to think that even the 10 year old version of me heard something in a German techno track that it was (even briefly) my favourite song.

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