Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Broken Social Scene

I'm missing seeing Broken Social Scene tonight but I feel the need to justify this decision. Some of this justification actually feels just and some of it is me convincing myself because I don't want to admit that I'M MISSING SEEING BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE TONIGHT! So, the real reasons: my wife is pregnant and due any day now so I want to be home with her, not just because something might happen tonight but because I want to sit on the couch and watch So You Think You Can Dance with her because that's one of my favourite things to do. The other real reason is that I've seen them twice before and I am broke (I spent my Birthday money almost completely eliminating my "List"). The not real reasons are that they are playing at the Wildhorse Saloon and if you don't think that that website would be enough to turn me off, then you don't know me that well. If you can't tell from the website, the Wildhorse is essentially a tent in a parking lot. The sound will be awful, there will be drunk (very drunk) people everywhere at that show and even though BSS will put on a great, fun, memorable show, it will not be as good as either of the other times I saw them.

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